Cooking with Kids

Kitchen Tools: Appliances VS Manual

It seems every time I go on the internet, I see an ad for a new appliance or kitchen tool. I am always amazed at the new gadgets and gizmos that fill my timeline and newsfeed. If you’re like me and easily drawn to these items it can be hard to hold back from splurging on the newest and coolest appliances. When is the time to use appliances and when is it best to do things the old fashioned way-manual? In my opinion this question does not have a direct answer. I have set a few guidelines for myself that may be helpful for you to decide when it is necessary to break out the appliances and when it is best to leave them in the drawer. 

Appliances are great, they can make certain tasks so simple and effective. My Kitchen-aid Mixer makes kneading a less strenuous process, it has saved me lots of precious time while making bread and pasta. An appliance that saves you time is an effective appliance. When making bread in the bread maker, the ability to walk away while the appliance does the work is revolutionary, you can have fresh homemade bread without having to make multiple dirty dishes and you are not tethered to the kitchen while proving or resting the bread. Another reason to reach for an appliance would be if it makes your cooking more precise, for example using a pasta roller to make even pasta gives your pasta even cook time which results in a better dish, it just makes sense. When considering an appliance vs manual ask yourself-Will this save me time? Will this create a more delicious dish? 

On the opposite end of the spectrum are appliances that, while convenient, are difficult to clean, are hard to store and can be very pricey. It is embarrassing to say but if I know an appliance or kitchen tool will sit in or on the side of the sink waiting to be cleaned for a few days I am less likely to continue using that appliance or tool. Another draw back of appliances can be size, in a small kitchen there may not be enough counter space for every appliance. Our family stores some of our countertop appliances in a storage rack in our basement. This gives us the counter space but also allows us to bring up an appliance when necessary. Big family breakfasts with waffles require the waffle maker but we only bring it out once in a while. Cost can be a factor as well. Some appliances can be very expensive. When you weigh the factors, you should be able to come to a decision quickly. 

The expense and space of an espresso machine held me back from purchasing one for a very long time. Since I received an espresso machine, I have used it every day. It was worth the purchase because I use it so often and because I cannot get fresh espresso at home any other way, I have a designated space in my coffee bar for the machine and it is used often. This appliance checks the boxes for me even with the expense and size. I received an avocado tool for christmas this year and while it is easy to cut open, pit and slice an avocado with a knife, I enjoy using the tool because it is quick, easy to store and dishwasher safe. An avocado tool is not a “must-have” for me but I enjoy using it and will still reach for it often. 

Overall, appliances are great when they serve their purpose. There is nothing wrong with opting to do things manually when it can save you time and money. It really comes down to personal preference and trial and error. So get in the kitchen and use those gadgets and get cooking!

Do you have a kitchen appliance that you can’t live without? What is your favorite hand kitchen tool? We would love to hear from you. Please connect with us on Instagram @MapsCookingKids or on Twitter @MapsCookingKids. Until next time, Agape, be kind, and happy parenting.

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