Ages 2-4 years,  Parenting

Yoga and Meditation for Parents and Children

By Dr. Shenoy

Yoga and Meditation refer to the practice of calming the mind and centering the thoughts. Mindful meditation has been known to improve your self-awareness and help in the unification of your mind, body, and soul. Yoga is beneficial for improving both mental and physical health. When a family practices yoga and meditation together, the benefits simply become bigger and better. Let us have a look at how yoga and meditation can help both parents and children

Why meditation?

There are many reasons why parents and children should practice meditating together.  First, it improves brain functions.  Parents often complain of their children being restless and at times, hyperactive. It is also common for parents to be anxious about the academic performance of their kids.  Yoga and meditation have the potential to support brain function and improve memory, attention span, and concentration in kids as well as adults. Practicing yoga and meditation with children will not just help your kids perform better in their studies but also enhance your workplace performance

Mental and physical relaxation

Second, it creates mental and physical relaxation.  Yoga and meditation can produce a calming effect on the mind and body. It helps ease your mental stress and calm the physical hyperactivity of your children. It could also ease the areas of stress or conflict between parents and children and help them come closer at an emotional level.  

Parent-kid bond

Third, it can help improve the parent-kid bond.  Practicing yoga and meditation is a continuous learning process. It takes years for one to master the art of it.  Practicing yoga poses with your children will allow you to learn from each other. This will break the ice as you spend quality time as a family with lots of laughs and smiles. This could improve the parent-kid bond and make you more affectionate toward each other. 

Builds Discipline

woman sitting in a yoga pose

Fourth, it instills discipline.  Maintaining your health needs restraint and discipline in your physical activities and diet. The practice of yoga and meditation requires optimum concentration and the focusing of your thoughts on the inner self. This can improve your self-awareness and direct your energy towards positive energy, motivation, and determination.  When you also have your child practice these principles, it will instill a sense of discipline in them. It will help them understand the importance of health at a younger age. As they grow older, the disciplinary habits they have absorbed will help them avoid any unhealthy habits like smoking and ensure they grow into responsible adults. 

Family Health

man playing with girl and boy on the beach during a sunset

Fifth, yoga and meditation support family health.  The health issues of just one member of a family, whether kids or parents, can affect the others. This is why you should include children as well as adults  while planning activities to improve health and fitness.  When parents perform yoga and meditation with their children, it helps everyone exercise more regularly.  Not only that, it creates an entertaining atmosphere and ensures your workout time is no longer boring or as regimented.

There are many benefits to practicing yoga and meditation, not just for parents, but also for children.  In a world that seems to be moving at a faster and faster pace, it is beneficial to all to slow down and take a deep, cleansing breath.  By taking time to put these practices into your daily routine, you are making sure your family’s physical, mental, and emotional health are taken care of.  Yoga and meditation are the means to achieve unification of the mind, body, and soul. And when parents and children practice yoga and meditation together, it unifies them together as a family. It strengthens their bond of love and affection while taking them all towards a healthier life. 

Do you practice yoga or meditate? What calms your mind and soothes your child? Are there other practices you use that helps improve your family’s physical and mental health?  Please share with us in the comments!  Feel free to connect with us on Instagram @MapsCookingKids or on Twitter @MapsCookingKids. Until next time, agape, be kind, and happy parenting.

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