young boy sitting on the floor with a piece of paper and a pencil
Child Dev & Behavior,  Parenting

Homeschooling Activities {Age-appropriate curriculum for your children}

Some people fear that homeschooling has to be extremely ridged or they fear being unprepared without a year long curriculum for teaching at home. This could not be further from the truth! Inspiration is all around us, we just have to know where to look.

An open notebook with doodles and a pencil

Without thinking too hard or too in-depth, simply take a subject, brainstorm an age-appropriate list, and get to work gathering the materials.

Follow these examples, then create your own lists, depending on where your child’s interests are at the moment because one of the best parts about homeschooling is the spontaneity of it all.


  • Visit a museum or historical re-enactment
  • Watch a documentary or movie based on a true story
  • Put a map puzzle together or play a geography board game
  • Research a topic about “This Day in History” by picking a random year and stating what you find
A romaine lettuce plant in a garden with soil and flowers


  • Cook your favorite Paleo recipe (together or alone)
  • Draw a chart by hand, measuring some weather elements or the plants in the garden
  • Learn to knit or make beaded bracelets
  • Play a new card game
  • Become a human calculator and add up the total of your items in the grocery cart

RELATED: Homeschooling: What we did before Covid-19 and what you can do

A man and a young boy peering into a small aquarium


  • Listen to a nature podcast
  • Get outside and collect/release insects – drawing and identifying them
  • Explore a science-themed app
  • Visit an aquarium or an animal rehabilitation center
  • Conduct your own science experiment
  • Cook or bake with your children
  • Take a cooking with kids class
  • Grow a garden
Two young boys outdoors with an easel and paint


  • Use a paint by number kit
  • Visit an art museum or virtual gallery
  • Create a comic book or Newspaper with your kids
  • Watch videos to learn about different crafts
  • Make your own movie posters or DVD covers
  • Draw with chalk on the sidewalk

Kids are learning in their own way each and every day, the stimulus provided is part of the teaching responsibility taken on by the parent or caregiver. Don’t be afraid to get outside your comfort zone by asking questions or asking for help if you don’t know much about a subject. Look around and find someone who is willing to teach. You never know until you ask!

young boy writing with paper and pen on the floor for homeschooling

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