Barbecue & Grilling,  Cooking with Kids,  Parenting

Virtual Cookout and Happy Hangouts

As we sequester ourselves in quarantine during the Coronavirus pandemic, we’re finding it more challenging to find the social interaction we all crave to make us feel happy and content. Even more, it’s becoming more difficult to find the joy in cooking daily meals  for your family. It doesn’t have to be a chore for parents, though. That’s why we suggest finding the fun in cooking once again by creating virtual cookouts and happy hangouts in your community.

A virtual cookout involves utilizing video conferencing with your family members afar while cooking meals. To get started, set a date and time for your virtual cookout and be sure your family members have the correct FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype information to video conference together. Once your date and time is set, research your family’s favorite recipes. Choose one that allows your children to get involved in the cooking as well. Some of our favorite recipes for a family virtual cookout are:

  • Grilling Burgers & Hot Dogs
  • Smoked Chicken
  • Barbecue Ribs

Now that the time is set and your recipe is ready, it’s time to gather your ingredients, pots, pans, utensils, and login. Everybody in the family can work together to cook and finish the meal while sharing stories. Encourage your children to ask questions and comment while they’re online with family. Now that the meal is complete, you can eat together (virtually) as a family and share stories, talk about future plans to visit, and gain the emotional connection that you’ve been missing. 

A happy hangout is a socially-distanced gathering in your neighborhood that can bring joy to quarantining together. You can get outdoors in your yards or neighborhood and enjoy the summer time together. It can help you and your neighbors feel less lonely while being stuck in the house and allow your kids to hang out with next door friends. Invite your neighbors to a cul-de-sac or front-lawn party each weekend that includes pot-luck meals for all to share. Bring your own lawn chairs, plates, utensils, and drinks, and a table for the meals. Everyone puts their meals on the table, and sets up their chairs 6 feet apart. Don’t forget the hand sanitizer for the table! One at a time, each person sanitizes and grabs what they want to eat. Then, you can all sit, eat, talk, and enjoy some social time together. It’s an easy way to feel a sense of community again while being safe. 

Here are some of our favorite pot-luck meals for a happy hangout:

Virtual cookouts and happy hangouts can be a weekly family time event that gathers friends and family together while staying safe during the Coronavirus. They allow you to feel that sense of community while enjoying the sounds of nature and the scents of delicious food. Have you held or participated in a virtual cookout or happy hangout? What are some of your favorite recipes for these events? Will you share tips, pictures, or videos of your cookouts/hangouts with us? Connect with us on Instagram @MapsCookingKids or on Twitter @MapsCookingKids. Until next time, Agape, be kind, and happy parenting.

Allyson is a writer, editor, wife, and mom. She enjoys traveling with her family to experience new adventures. She is an avid tennis player, as well as a cheerleading coach for her three daughters. Allyson loves snuggling on the couch with her two pugs, Weensie and George, while reading mystery novels.

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