Ages 2-4 years,  Parenting

Start a “Boo”-rific Halloween Tradition

This year, trick or treat festivities may be canceled due to the pandemic. That doesn’t mean all the tricks and treats of Halloween need to be canceled as well. Here’s a great way for you to trick and treat your neighbors, friends, or coworkers and bring the Halloween spirit back to life in your area: “Boo” them! Start a “Boo” chain in your area by secretly dropping off a bag of goodies. 

In the goody bag, you’ll include a flyer for their door that says, “We’ve Been Boo-ed” as well as a second flyer with instructions on how to keep the “Boo” chain going. Once you’ve finished filling the bag with flyers and Halloween treats, like candy, candles, and spooky decor, sneak up to their door, drop the bag in front of the door, knock loudly, and RUN. Your secret “Boo” bag will be met with such excitement and wonder, and the spirit of Halloween will live on!

What new traditions have you started this year with your family? Have you boo-ed your friends or neighbors? How are you making halloween fun for your family this year? Connect with us on Instagram @MapsCookingKids or on Twitter @MapsCookingKids. Until next time, Agape, be kind, and happy parenting.

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