Cooking with Kids,  Organic Gardening,  Parenting

Hugelkultur w/ Our Vego Garden Beds

What is Hugelkultur?

Hugelkultur or Hügelkultur is a sustainable process of making raised garden beds or garden mounds. Hügelkultur can be translated as “mound culture,” where plants grow from raised beds with a mounded shape. “These mound shapes are created by marking out an area for a raised bed, clearing the land, and then heaping up woody material (that’s ideally already partially rotted) topped with compost and soil,” states

The hügelkultur process has been used for centuries in Germany and other places around the world. Because of a growing desire to use modular garden beds, Hugelkultur is gaining popularity among the Vego Garden and Birdie gardeners. One of the reasons for the popularity is because Hugelkultur reduces the amount of topsoil needed for raised beds while incorporating the composting techniques of using logs, branches, sticks, and leaves to create healthier soil. Hugelkultur is ideal for growing cucumbers, legumes, tomatoes, squash or pumpkins, corn, and melons – even sunflowers thrive in these raised garden mounds. 

Why Did We Decide to Use Vego?

starter seed packs in egg cartons ready for our hugelkultur vego garden beds

I love to garden and cook with my kids. This year, we are in a new home and have to start brand new garden beds. We love the modular garden beds from Vego Garden. I have built my own wood garden boxes for many years. I love the idea of having a structure that allows for controlling weeds, the amount of soil and organic matter, plus the ability to harvest and manage my vegetables without needing to get down on the ground or being forced to bend a knee.

Garden Beds Anywhere

five year old in red white and blue shirt happy to plant heirloom melons in garden bed

With a modular garden bed, you can grow your garden anywhere you want. On a patio, on the side of your house, or in your front yard. The only requirements are a level surface (or one that could be made level) and adequate sunshine.

Vego Garden Beds are Customizable

before and after green vego garden beds using the hugelkultur method

Do you want an L-shaped garden bed? How about a J-shaped garden bed.? From rounds to ovals to almost any shop in between, the Vego Garden beds can be customized to fit the area you have. 

Raised Garden Beds = Weed Control

I find that using raised garden beds reduces the amount of weeds that I have to fight. Plus, weed control is more manageable, and my plants don’t have to struggle for water against the weeds. 

Using the Vego Garden raised beds, I can also install a drip system that is specifically dialed in for each type of watering requirement. For example, my potatoes and lavender need much less watering than my tomatoes or basil. I don’t have to worry about sprinkler heads spaying non-planted areas and promoting weed or grass growth. Plus, by adding a layer of mulch, I also help maintain moisture in my garden beds while discouraging weed growth.

six year old holding sage near vego garden bed after hugelkultur

We hope you enjoyed this gardening with kids video and post. For more tips on cooking with kids, gardening with kids, and how we have fun of playing with food while inspiring our language learning and homeschooling activities, please follow our YouTube channel.

What are you growing this season? We’d love to hear about your family’s garden. Please connect with us on Instagram @MapsCookingKids or on Twitter @MapsCookingKids. Until next time, Agape, be kind, and happy parenting!

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